Saturday, September 29, 2012

Action Research Update 9-29

“Creating a Successful ISS” is the action research project that I have been in the process of working on.  Currently I am in the process of meeting with my assistant principal in reference to the master schedule for the spring semester.  After meeting with my site supervisor along with the leadership team, various options to improve the effectiveness of our ISS were looked at.  By looking at the master schedule we are studying having certain teachers available to teach students in ISS.  This will be a rotation style of teaching.  (Example:  1st period- Math teacher is designated to ISS.  This teacher will help all students with Math during this period.  2nd period- Science teacher will help all students with science.  ETC)  One major issue we are still looking at is to have the departments collaborate so that one single subject teacher has what that subject is currently working on.  I have researched and acquired discipline reports from our assistant principals along with attendance records.  The reason for these reports is to see if the majority of the ISS students are repeat offenders.  I have also looked at each assistants principals log as to how many days of ISS each student was given.  I want to evaluate to see if there was a major discrepancy in the amount of assigned days for each principal.  Some of my questions were:  Is different principals assigning different days to ISS for the same discipline?  Is one principal more lenient than another? 
The reason I had to focus on the above assistant principals was to see the effectiveness of the days assigned to ISS and the amount of students currently in ISS.